While summer is synonymous with fun, relaxation, and seasonal treats, some of these delights can be less than kind to your teeth. We’ll take you through some popular summertime treats that you should consider skipping for the sake of keeping your teeth their healthiest. Instead, we’ll point you in the right direction (quite literally!) of healthier alternatives.

Sugary sodas and sports drinks

Nothing feels quite as refreshing as a cold soda or sports drink on a hot summer day. However, these beverages are loaded with sugar and acids that can erode enamel and lead to cavities.

→Opt for water infused with slices of fresh fruit or herbs for a refreshing and tooth-friendly drink. Unsweetened iced tea is another great option.

Sticky and chewy candies

Gummy bears, taffy, and caramel are summertime favorites, especially at fairs and amusement parks. These sticky candies cling to your teeth, providing a feast for cavity-causing bacteria.

→Choose fresh fruits like apples, pears, or berries for a naturally sweet treat that also helps clean your teeth as you eat.

Ice cream and frozen desserts

Ice cream is a classic summer treat, but it’s high in sugar, which can contribute to tooth decay. Additionally, biting into hard, frozen treats can cause tooth sensitivity or even cracks.

→Enjoy frozen yogurt with no added sugar, or make your own popsicles using blended fruit and yogurt for a healthier, tooth-friendly dessert.

Citrus fruits and juices

While citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and limes are healthy, their high acid content can erode tooth enamel over time. Drinking citrus juices can also expose your teeth to prolonged acidity.

→Balance your citrus intake with plenty of water and rinse your mouth after consuming acidic foods. Whenever possible, pick whole fruits rather than juices to reduce exposure to acids. What better excuse to explore some PYO (pick your own) fruit farms in your area? 

BBQ sauces and condiments

Summer BBQs often feature sauces and condiments that are high in sugar and acids, which can harm your teeth. BBQ sauce, ketchup, and even salad dressings can contribute to enamel erosion, leaving your teeth more susceptible to cavities.

→Choose sauces and condiments with no added sugar, or make your own healthier versions at home. Be mindful of brushing your teeth after meals to remove any residue.

Alcoholic beverages

Summer is a time for socializing, and alcohol often plays a role in celebrations. However, alcoholic beverages, especially mixed drinks and cocktails, are typically high in sugar and acids that can damage teeth.

→If you choose to drink, select lower-sugar options like dry wines or spirits mixed with soda water. Always drink plenty of water alongside alcoholic beverages to stay hydrated and rinse your mouth of those sugars and acids.

Popsicles and snow cones

While these frozen treats can provide a cool respite from the heat, they are often packed with sugar and artificial colors that can stain and damage your teeth.

→Make homemade popsicles using natural fruit juices or smoothies in order to control the sugar content and avoid artificial additives. Plus, this is a fun activity for kids and a great way to encourage them to make healthier choices from an early age!

Speaking of kids… we all know the Tooth Fairy works 24/7, 365 days a year. As the new school year draws closer, don’t miss her list of Tooth-Friendly Back to School Snacks.  

Tips for a Tooth-Friendly Summer

It would be unrealistic (not to mention no fun!) to imagine that we will turn down classic summertime treats whenever they’re on offer. Summer in New England is short enough as it is; indulge your taste buds every now and again. Just bear in mind the following “good-rule-of-thumb” tips to help keep your teeth in tip-top shape this summer and year round. 

  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps wash away food particles and bacteria, reducing the risk of tooth decay.
  • Maintain oral hygiene: Brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily to remove plaque and prevent cavities.
  • Come see us! Regular dental check-ups ensure that any potential issues are caught early and that your teeth remain healthy.

For a jump on which festive fall treats to avoid, check out our blog post: Put Down the Pumpkin Spice Latte. 

By making mindful choices and prioritizing healthier alternatives whenever possible, you can enjoy all the flavors of summer without compromising your dental health. Are you on our calendar for your next teeth cleaning? Contact us to double check or schedule your next appointment!