We are proud to now offer Philips Zoom whitening services!

A Latina woman looking slightly away from the camera and smiling; above her is the quote "I'm more confident and that feels so much better."

We know the importance of a smile. A brighter smile can make you more confident and comfortable in work and social settings. Arndt & Francis is proud to now offer in-office and take-home whitening services from Philips Zoom, the premier whitening option. With the ability to do whitening in the office, at home, or in combination, you can be sure that you will find the right fit for your schedule and needs.

In office

Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed is the premier in-office whitening solution, allowing you to brighten your smile by up to 8 shades in as little as 45 minutes. After the whitening solution is applied to your teeth, a special light is used to activate the gel. We will check on you during the process, allowing us to monitor your results and your comfort. By having a professional on hand to monitor the process, you can protect yourself from severe sensitivity!

Take home

Our take-home services are available at different strengths. In consultation with your dentist, you can choose the right fit for you based on your lightening needs, your tooth sensitivity, and your schedule. Philips in-home whitening is fully customizable, meaning you can combine different products based on your needs. In addition, we use our intraoral scanner to create trays, saving you the discomfort and time of getting impressions!

Interested in learning more? Contact us to schedule a consultation to find out which options are the best fit for you! Find out more about all of our cosmetic dentistry services on our cosmetic dentistry page.