Plastic Teeth with Toothbrush

Our office strives to stay abreast of all the current scientific research as it relates to oral health. As we now know, there continues to be a growing body of evidence linking oral health with overall body health. There are many published studies demonstrating a direct connection between advanced periodontal disease (i.e. gum disease) and an increased risk of heart and cardiovascular disease. We focus  on helping patients understand this connection in an effort to motivate all of our patients to maintain excellent oral health. In addition to cardiovascular disease, there are studies linking oral health to diabetes, arthritis, pre-term birth rates and some forms of cancer.  As we continue to learn more about this important research, we strive to educate our patients about all the latest findings as they relate to your overall health. Please feel free to visit some of the links below to read some current articles on this subject.

Mouth Healthy Oral Health by the American Dental Association

Introduction: Our Mouths, Ourselves

Invaders and the Body’s Defenses

Heart Health and Inflammation

The Three Way Street

Interview: Buzz Talk with Marjorie K. Jeffcoat

Oral Health: What Every Woman Needs to Know

As the Body Ages

Insights: Oral Health Around the World

Public Policy and Oral Health

Interview: Discussion with David Satcher

Research Snapshot: A Novel Approach to Inflammation

Path to Prevention: A Mouthful of Bugs

Interview: The ADA’s Take

CDC: Periodontal Disease