As the school year kicks off, many parents are focused on ensuring their children have everything they need to succeed—new notebooks, sharpened pencils, backpack, water bottle — to name just a few on the seemingly endless school supply list.

But what about their lunchbox? Or, more specifically, the contents of said lunchbox.

The foods your child eats throughout the day play a significant role in their overall health, including the health of their teeth. Packing a lunch that’s both nutritious and tooth-friendly can help keep cavities at bay and promote a bright, strong smile. 

To that end, our team has compiled some delicious and healthy lunchbox ideas to keep your kiddos’ smile clean and bright. We even created our own little sample menu for some back to school lunchbox inspo!    

Our top picks for tooth-friendly foods to pack

Although some kids are picky eaters, we’re confident that these options will give you plenty to choose from, sure to satisfy even the finickiest palate. It’s a good idea to aim for a blend of the following ideas and rotate your selections to keep that lunchbox fun and fresh. 

Crunchy fruits and vegetables

Crunchy fruits and vegetables, like apples, carrots, celery, and cucumbers are high in fiber and water, which helps to stimulate saliva production. Saliva is your mouth’s natural defense against cavities because it neutralizes acids and washes away food particles. Plus, the natural crunch helps clean the surface of teeth.

Cheese and yogurt

String cheese, Greek yogurt, and cheddar cubes are definitely some kid-approved foods, which is great news considering that dairy products like cheese and yogurt are rich in calcium and phosphates, essential for strong teeth. These foods also help balance the pH level in your mouth, reducing the risk of tooth decay.

Lean proteins

Protein-rich foods — think options like sliced turkey, chicken, and hard-boiled eggs — provide essential nutrients that are important for your child’s overall health and for maintaining strong teeth and gums. In fact, lean proteins also help to repair and build new tissues.

Whole grains

Not only are whole grains a good source of fiber, they also take longer to break down into sugar compared to refined grains, which means they are less likely to contribute to tooth decay. Swap out white bread for whole grain varieties, and incorporate brown rice instead of white whenever possible. Whole grain crackers also make for an easy to pack snack. 

Nuts and seeds

It’s important that you check for any allergies or restrictions at your child’s school before reaching for these healthy staples. If you’re in the clear, consider packing almonds, sunflower or pumpkin seeds for their ability to reduce sugar cravings, along with their high healthy fat and protein content. Many people are surprised to learn that nuts and seeds also contain calcium, which is a natural enamel-strengthener. 

The Arndt Dental Approved Sample Lunchbox Menu for Strong Teeth

We couldn’t resist pulling together our own dentist-approved lunchbox menu, just to help you envision how all these suggested foods might come together. 

Main: Turkey and cheese whole grain wrap
Side: Carrot sticks with hummus
Snack: Apple slices
Dessert: Greek yogurt with a handful of almonds
Drink: Water

Bring your culinary A-game this back-to-school season

By thoughtfully packing a lunchbox with tooth-friendly foods, you’re not only fueling your child’s body for a day of learning and play, but you’re also protecting their smile. Encourage your child to enjoy these healthy options and help them develop lifelong habits that promote strong teeth and overall well-being. A healthy lunchbox is one of the simplest ways to ensure your child’s smile stays bright and strong throughout the school year.

Another simple and surefire way? Double checking that their regular teeth cleanings are on our calendar and yours! Contact us today to book their appointment!